Efficascent Oil

It was a staple in our house due to the fact that my late mother had a penchant for using it as means of relieving all kinds of aches and pains. It was a common cure for stomach aches or insect bites.  Even when I was on my own during college I would still use it a lot especially during my basketball days after a rigorous training or game, the liniment was my life saver.

Efficascent Oil reminds me of my late mother. It gives me comfort from it's smell. For people who are used to liniments it is such a nice smell but for those who don't they would register funny expressions on their face. I deduced that maybe the smell is such a torture to them.

I am desperate for a reminder. Something that would remind me about my mother's care and warmth.
Her assurance that everything will be alright despite the pain. I can no longer feel that kind of security.

After her death, I was fearful of losing the feeling she induces inside my heart. She is the only one who has ever made me feel strong and fearless.

Her optimism is my fuel.

Today, I had a very severe heart burn. It felt like there was something that's drilling a hole in my stomach.

Efficascent Oil relieved the pain. The smell comforted me.

I guess I have to make do of it for now.


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